IT Services & Networking, LLC


187 Yates Hill Rd.
Rockingham, NC 28379

Viruses are a growing problem in todays online world. It was once estimated that thousands of viruses, spyware, malware, and other threats and variants to computer systems we created every day. No antivirus software is 100 percent but a good antivirus software goes a long way to help keep these threats at bay. If you are looking for a good antivirus product or service give us a call and let us help you keep your network as threat free as possible.

If you are concerned that your system is already infected or if it is infected we can help. Most threats can be removed with the right knowledge and tools, and there are the rare threats that are so malicious that the equipment will need to be reloaded and data extracted and put back.

Some cases in point:

A very simple issue that I run across often is browser hijackers. They basicly cause your web search or loading a website to get redirected to another, or they create pop-up pages that direct you to content you do not wish to see. Most times these can be cleaned up easily.

About 2 years ago there was a virus circulating that would infect and change a certain Operating system file. Even after cleaning up the infection and trying to replace the file it would damage the system to the point it would not work correctly. The data on the machine had to be extracted and the system reloaded and everything resetup. A Major issue the past few years have been viruses like the crypto virus. This virus would infect the machine, encrypt the files and then try and hold them ransom and even if the ransom was paid they would not always release the files. This is one of the few viruses that are so malicious that if you ever have to deal with it I hope you have made sure TO HAVE A GOOD UP TO DATE BACKUP! The crypto virus itself is usually easy to remove but the damage that it causes can be irrepairable.

All three of these cases I have seen avoided by good browsing habits, staying away from shady websites/software, and having a good antivirus. Something that also may help with this situation is a good web content filter service. This type of service can help keep down the chance of stumbling onto a shady website by blocking them beforehand. No protection is ever 100 percent, but can prevent a majority of the cases.

Phone: (910)995-0146Fax: (910)434-8758Email: wclark@itservicesandnetworking.comPrivacy Policy

Last Updated: Sunday, May 27th, 2018 3:30PM EST by IT Services & Networking, LLC